October 14, 2022
Plastic Surgery

Role of hand surgery in nation building

Human hands are special. They perform multiple complex and intricate activities with perfection and precision. Hands are the foundation of all work done.

We all know that our hands are the perfect tools to accomplish various tasks, from tying shoelaces to driving a car to handling heavy equipment and fragile items. And because they are so important to almost any 24/7 activity, hand injuries can seriously affect every part of a worker’s daily life.

The anatomy and dynamics of the hand are very complex and intricate. The hand is one of the most complex parts of the body, consisting of over 30 muscles, 27 bones, numerous tendons, and a network of blood vessels and nerves. It is the most used body part in our various actions. Therefore, hands are the most prone to injury.

Fractures, tendon and muscle tears, cuts, and lacerations are common hand injuries. Treating hand injuries can be expensive and often requires days off work to recover.

Effects of hand injuries

Life without hands is unthinkable. Hand injuries affect millions of people nationwide. A lack of knowledge and proper care often leads to functional impairment after injury. This can greatly affect a person’s life and make it difficult to participate in social activities, family activities, and work. It makes a person highly dependent on others.

For many people, hand injuries have more than just physical consequences. We use our hands for various things during the day: cooking, caring for our families, exercising, working, making art, and communicating. A hand injury may temporarily or permanently alter your participation in these activities.

Hand injuries can also change the nature of relationships. You may need to rely on your partner, spouse, or children to help you eat, wash, or dress. People who used to do all these things alone may find it difficult to accept help and adjust to how their roles and relationships have changed after an injury.

If your hand injury was traumatic (fall, car accident, amputation, etc.), your mental health might also be affected.

While recovering from a hand injury, depression, anger, fear, frustration, irritability, disgust, or hopelessness (or any emotion!) are common reactions.

Impact of hand injuries on industry and productivity

Hand injuries have a huge impact on industry and productivity. Despite today’s technology, many jobs still rely on manual labor, so hand injuries can reduce productivity. A worker with an injured hand is not as efficient as a worker with a healthy hand.

One of the major causes of hand injuries is work accidents. The health and socioeconomic status of those who suffer such injuries are severely strained. The resulting decline in productivity also affects psychosocial well-being.

Work-related hand injuries can greatly reduce the quality of life. Patients with work-related hand injuries not only lose their livelihoods but can also lose their ability to perform their daily tasks.

The impact of hand injuries on the growth and development of a country

Hand and wrist injuries account for a significant portion of all injuries treated and represent a significant economic burden with high medical and productivity costs. Hand and wrist injuries need to be a priority area for trauma care research, and further research could help reduce the cost of these injuries to the health system and society.

Hand injury risks and costs

Hand injuries do not discriminate. It can occur to anyone.

However, people working in agriculture, construction, installation and maintenance, and transportation experience more hand injuries than those working in other industries.

Depending on the type of injury, these injuries can quickly become expensive financially.

Most common hand injuries

Hand injuries range from isolated tendon injuries to severely amputated hands. Mechanical forces on the hands usually cause work-related hand injuries. Hands can also be exposed to work-related thermal, chemical, or electrical injuries.

Cuts, lacerations, puncture wounds

A majority of hand injuries fall into this category. The causes of these types of injuries can range from broken glass to mechanical failure and can be the most severe injuries to treat, often requiring stitches or more to begin the healing process.

Fractures, sprains, lacerations

Cuts, lacerations, and punctures affect the outer part of the hand, while fractures, sprains, and lacerations involve the bones and tendons that work inside the hand.

A fracture can be caused by tripping, falling, or being crushed. It may require a longer recovery period than other injuries.

Persistent pain

Persistent hand pain is another common condition. Hand pain affects productivity and can even be debilitating. Many of these injuries result from repetitive tasks such as typing and frequent hand movements.

Brachial plexus injuries

Brachial plexus injuries are common in adults after bicycle accidents and cause upper extremity paralysis. Many children are born with hand malformations or upper extremity paralysis. Timely treatment of these injuries is possible and can help to improve the function of the hand.

What is Hand Surgery?

Hand surgery is a broad term encompassing many different types of procedures. A reconstructive surgeon performing hand surgery seeks to restore the function of the hand and fingers. However, hand surgeons also try to make the hand look as normal as possible. Hand reconstructive surgery can be performed for many reasons, like:

  • Hand injury
  • Rheumatic diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Degenerative changes in hand structure
  • Congenital hand problems or defects
  • Hand infections

What types of hand surgery are there?

Different types of surgery can be performed on the hands. It depends on the root cause of the problem. Some of these types are:

  • Skin graft: Hand skin grafting replaces or attaches skin to areas of the hand with no skin.

  • Skin flap: Like a skin graft, a skin flap takes skin from another body part. But this procedure uses skin that has a blood supply.

  • Closure reduction and fixation: It can be used when there is a fracture or fracture in any part of the hand, including the fingers.

  • Tendon repair: Tendons are fibers that connect muscles to bones. Hand tendon repair is a difficult operation due to the structure of the tendon. Tendon injuries can result from infection, trauma, or sudden rupture.

  • Surgical drainage or debridement: Hand infections are very common. Treatment for hand infections includes rest, warmth, elevation, antibiotics, and surgery. If the hand is sore or has an abscess, surgical drainage or debridement can help remove the pus.

  • Joint replacement surgery: Also called arthroplasty, this type of surgery is used for severe arthritis of the hands. Joints destroyed by arthrosis are replaced with artificial ones.

  • Reimplantation: This type of surgery re-attaches body parts such as fingers, hands, or toes completely severed or severed from the body. The goal of reimplantation is to restore as much functionality as possible. Reimplantation uses microsurgery.

Microsurgery is a marvel of modern surgery. Repairing these deformities with the help of microsurgery improves the affected hand’s function and the patient’s quality of life. This type of surgery allows the tissue to be grafted en bloc (altogether) into the defect area to restore severed fingers and hands. This saves many limbs that previously had to be amputated.

What are the benefits of hand surgery for patients and society at large?

Hand surgery can help patients rehabilitate and return to work to earn money for themselves and their families. This has certainly been a huge factor in maintaining personal productivity. Therefore, every hand that is preserved or reconstructed ultimately contributes to shaping the state.

Hand surgery is an important and specialized surgical field with a significant impact on patients, industry, and society. Hand surgery can be life-changing for patients and providing them with beautiful and functional hands can make all the difference in their quality of life. It is essential to choose a surgical team with skills and experience in hand surgery.

Dr. Nilesh Satbhai is a reconstructive surgeon in Mumbai with over15 years of experience in hand reconstruction surgery. Book your appointment today by contacting Dr. Nilesh Satbhai at 022-67670101 or plasticsurgerymumbai@gmail.com .

Dr. Nilesh Satbhai
Dr. Nilesh Satbhai

About the author

Dr. Nilesh Satbhai is a highly experienced and skillful plastic surgeon who has dedicated his career to helping patients feel at ease with their bodies. He completed his Plastic Surgery training at the prestigious Seth G. S. Medical College and K.E.M Hospital in Mumbai, after which he went on to earn his fellowship in various subfields of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Nilesh is a caring professional who takes the time to get to know his patients and understand their individual needs and goals. He is committed to providing the highest quality care possible and strives to make every patient feel comfortable and confident in their decision to undergo treatment. If you are considering plastic or reconstructive surgery, Dr. Nilesh Satbhai is a trusted surgeon who can provide you with the results you desire.

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