Prema Ram from Rajasthan had to get both his arms amputated due to an accident 15 years ago. In a groundbreaking medical feat, Dr. Nilesh Satbhai and his team performed a 16-hour procedure and successfully completed the bilateral total arm transplant, making history in the medical field and providing hope to countless amputees around the country.
Dr. Nilesh Satbhai saved the life of a 5-day-old baby boy born with Aplasia cutis congenita, a rare congenital disorder in which parts of the skull are not properly developed. The doctor performed skull rotation and advancement flap surgery to successfully treat the condition and save the boy's life. Thanks to his incredible medical skills, the baby was given a chance at a healthy future.
18-year-old Bharuch resident Samiya Mansuri underwent a 12-hour surgery to become the first Indian to receive a hand transplant for her congenital deformity. Dr. Nilesh Satbhai and his team performed the surgery and connected nerves and blood vessels to the donated arm. It will take around 9 to 12 months for Samiya to have a fully functional right hand. This is the first unilateral hand transplant in India. It is also the first transplant done for congenital hand aplasia. Dr. Nilesh Satbhai is interested in seeing the outcome of this transplant and watching Samiya Mansuri overcome the rehab challenges.
Plastic surgeon Dr. Nilesh Satbhai ran the Tata Mumbai Marathon on 15th January 2023 to highlight the need for donations for hand transplants. Monika More, the city's first hand transplant patient, also ran the marathon for the same cause. To learn more, click on the article below.